• Strong
  • Flexible
  • Strong
  • Strong
  • Strong
  • Life

Welcome to EPIC Health...

"Ethical, Professional & Innovative Coaching"

Epic Centre is located in the Penthouse of refurbished Pilot Mill in Bury. Our Epicentre of Positive Change offers a cross-section of disciplines from rock climbing to gymnastics, functional resistance to 3D interactive heart rate monitored cardio.

We offer knowledge and an unparalleled 1-to-1 fitness and lifestyle coaching experience (epic pyramid) for all ages and abilities. Equipment and facilities are not found anywhere else under one roof!

From the first time a client arrives, our aim is to instil positivity. We maintain this approach as this mindset helps clients achieve.

"Conceive... Believe... Achieve..." with epic

Find out more

Our book

Living book cover


An eclectic mix of health and philosophy for life; illuminated by metaphor.

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